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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-05-20 16:55 热度:8


As a vocational school in Sichuan, it is important for us to provide our students with high-quality English education. To achieve this goal, we have developed a series of English eercises that are t#lored to the needs of our students. In this article, we will introduce some sample English eercises that are designed for students who are studying in Sichuan.


Listening Eercise

The first eercise is a listening eercise. In this eercise, students will listen to a conversation between two people and then answer some questions. The conversation will be about a job interview. This eercise is designed to help students improve their listening skills and to prepare them for future job interviews.


Reading Eercise

The second eercise is a reading eercise. In this eercise, students will read a passage about the history of Sichuan and then answer some questions. This eercise is designed to help students improve their reading comprehension skills and to learn more about the culture and history of Sichuan.


Writing Eercise

The third eercise is a writing eercise. In this eercise, students will be asked to write a short paragraph about their favorite place in Sichuan. This eercise is designed to help students improve their writing skills and to encourage them to eplore and appreciate the beauty of Sichuan.

Speaking Eercise

The fourth eercise is a speaking eercise. In this eercise, students will work in p#rs and practice having a conversation about their future plans. This eercise is designed to help students improve their speaking skills and to encourage them to think about their future goals and aspirations.


Through these eercises, we hope to provide our students with a comprehensive English education that can help them succeed in their future endeavors. By improving their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills, our students will be better equipped to communicate effectively in English and pursue their dreams with confidence.

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