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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-06-29 13:17 热度:3




1. Sichuan


Sichuan(四川) is a province in southwestern China. It is known for its beautiful landscapes, spicy cuisine, and rich cultural heritage.

2. Chengdu


Chengdu(成都) is the capital city of Sichuan Province. It is a vibrant and modern city with a long history. Chengdu is famous for its delicious food, such as hot pot and Sichuan cuisine.

3. Pandas

Pandas(熊猫) are an iconic symbol of Sichuan. The province is home to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, where visitors can get a close-up view of these adorable creatures.

4. Spicy

Sichuan cuisine(川菜) is known for its bold and spicy flavors. Dishes like Mapo Tofu and Kung Pao Chicken have g#ned popularity worldwide. If you visit Sichuan, don't miss the chance to try the local spicy delicacies.

5. Emei Mount#n

Emei Mount#n(峨眉山) is one of the four sacred Buddhist mount#ns in China. It is located in Sichuan Province and is known for its breathtaking scenery and ancient temples.

6. Leshan Giant Buddha

The Leshan Giant Buddha(乐山大佛) is a massive stone statue carved into a cliffside near Leshan City, Sichuan. It is the largest stone Buddha statue in the world and has become a popular tourist attraction.

7. Tea Culture

Sichuan is also known for its tea culture. The province produces a variety of high-quality teas, such as jasmine tea and Pu-erh tea. Drinking tea is an important part of the local lifestyle and a way to relax and socialize.

8. Tibetan Influence

Due to its proximity to Tibet, Sichuan has a strong Tibetan influence. Tibetan Buddhism is practiced in some areas of the province, and you can find Tibetan-style architecture and cultural traditions in towns like Kangding and Daocheng.

These are just a few examples of the words related to Sichuan in the vocational college English 3 word list. Exploring the unique culture and natural wonders of Sichuan is an exciting experience for anyone interested in this fascinating region.

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