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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-05-07 14:39 热度:7


In 2024, the Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination has become a hot topic among high school students in Sichuan. As the exam approaches, it is crucial for students to familiarize themselves with the high-frequency vocabulary that will appear on the English section of the test. Here are some key words and phrases that students should focus on:


1. Application

Understanding the meaning of "application" is essential for success in the exam. It refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job or a college. Students should be able to use this word in various contexts, such as writing an application letter or filling out an application form.


2. Proficiency

The word "proficiency" is often used to describe one's level of skill or expertise in a particular area. In the context of the English exam, it relates to how well a student can understand and use the language. Teachers will assess students' English proficiency through listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises.


3. Intensive

"Intensive" is an adjective that means concentrated or focused. In the exam, students may encounter questions that require them to have an intensive study approach or to answer questions about intensive tr#ning programs. It is important for students to understand the concept and be able to apply it in different scenarios.

4. Qualification

When it comes to applying for colleges or jobs, having the necessary qualifications is crucial. This term refers to the skills, knowledge, or experience required for a particular position. Students must strive to acquire the qualifications needed to pursue their desired career paths.

5. Innovation

In today's rapidly changing world, innovation is highly valued. It refers to the ability to create new ideas, products, or methods. Students should understand the importance of innovation and how it can contribute to personal and professional growth.

6. Collaboration

In many industries, teamwork and collaboration are essential. "Collaboration" refers to working together with others to achieve a common goal. Students should be prepared to discuss the benefits and challenges of collaboration in different contexts, such as group projects or team-based assignments.

7. Globalization

With the advancement of technology and communication, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. "Globalization" is the process of international integration, where ideas, cultures, and economies are interconnected. Students should be aware of the impact of globalization and its implications for their future careers.

8. Entrepreneurship

"Entrepreneurship" refers to the ability to start and manage businesses or take risks to achieve success. In today's competitive job market, entrepreneurial skills are highly desired. Students should understand the qualities and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and how they can apply them in their own lives.

9. Sust#nable

As environmental issues continue to be a global concern, the word "sust#nable" has g#ned importance. It refers to practices that can be m#nt#ned over time without depleting resources or causing harm to the environment. Students should be familiar with sust#nable development and its significance in various industries.

10. Adaptability

In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, the ability to adapt is crucial. "Adaptability" refers to the capacity to adjust to new situations or changes. Students should recognize the importance of being adaptable and flexible in their personal and professional lives.

By focusing on these high-frequency vocabulary words, students can enhance their English language skills and increase their chances of success in the Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination. Good luck!

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