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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-06-27 06:39 热度:8






1. What is the weather like today in Chengdu?

A. Sunny.

B. Cloudy.

C. R#ny.

2. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Book a flight.

B. Take the tr#n.

C. Drive there.





As we all know, eercising is good for both our physical and mental health. However, many people find it hard to stick to an eercise routine. Here are some tips to make eercise a regular part of your life.

Firstly, find an eercise you enjoy. Whether it’s dancing, swimming or hiking, choose an activity that you like doing and it’ll be easier to motivate yourself to do it regularly.

Secondly, set small, achievable goals. Don’t epect to run a marathon after only a week of tr#ning. Start with a 10-minute walk every day, and gradually increase the time or intensity of your eercise.

Thirdly, make eercise a part of your d#ly routine. Schedule a time for eercise every day, just like you would for any other important appointment. This will help you establish a habit and make it harder to skip a workout.

Finally, find a workout buddy. Having someone else to eercise with can make the eperience more enjoyable and keep you both accountable.

3. What are the benefits of eercising?

A. Physical health only.

B. Mental health only.

C. Physical and mental health.

4. What is the first tip for sticking to an eercise routine?

A. Choose an eercise you enjoy.

B. Set small goals.

C. Make eercise a routine.


As China’s economy continues to grow, more and more people are choosing to study the language. Here are some benefits of learning Chinese.

Firstly, learning Chinese can increase your job opportunities. As China becomes a major player in the global economy, many companies are looking for employees who can speak Chinese.

Secondly, learning Chinese can deepen your understanding of Chinese culture. The language is closely tied to Chinese history, literature, and philosophy, and learning it can give you new insights into these areas.

Thirdly, learning Chinese can improve your cognitive abilities. The language uses a different writing system and grammar structure than most languages, which can help improve your memory and cognitive fleibility.

5. What is the first benefit of learning Chinese?

A. Increasing job opportunities.

B. Deepening understanding of Chinese culture.

C. Improving cognitive abilities.

6. How is Chinese language tied to Chinese history, literature and philosophy?

A. They use the same grammar structure.

B. They are all forms of language.

C. The language is closely related to them.




When you’re feeling stressed, it’s important to take time to rela and recharge. Here are some activities that can help you 7 down:

1. __F__ a bath - A warm bath can help you rela and reduce muscle tension.

2. Listen to music - Slow, calming music can help you 8 down and reduce stress levels.

3. Practice deep breathing - Taking slow, deep breaths can help you feel more relaed and focused.

4. Take a walk - Going for a walk can help clear your mind and improve your mood.

5. Have a cup of tea - Drinking tea can have a calming effect on the body and help you 9 down.

6. Write in a journal - Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you 10 your emotions and reduce stress.

7. Do some yoga - Yoga combines physical activity with relaation techniques and can help reduce stress and aniety.

8. Laugh - Laughter is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood. Watch a funny movie or spend time with friends who make you laugh.

9. Meditate - Meditation involves sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. It can help reduce stress and improve your mental health.

10. Get a massage - A massage can help 11 muscle tension and promote relaation.

7. A. Take B. Make C. Have

8. A. Calm B. Slow C. Easy

9. A. Stay B. Get C. Set

10. A. Control B. Epress C. Epl#n

11. A. Relieve B. Increase C. Create



1. 你的学习方法是怎样的?

2. 你是如何克服学习中的困难的?

3. 你觉得哪些学习方法最有效?



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