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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-06-26 07:12 热度:133


In the process of learning English, it is important to not only focus on grammar and vocabulary, but also to understand and use idiomatic expressions. Idioms are a unique aspect of any language, and they often have cultural and historical significance. In the context of the Sichuan Provincial Vocational College Entrance Examination for English, it is crucial to be familiar with commonly tested idiomatic expressions and their translations. This article will provide an overview of some frequently tested idioms in the exam.


1. A piece of cake

This idiom means that something is very easy or simple to do. It can be translated as "小菜一碟" in Chinese. For example, "Don't worry about the exam. It'll be a piece of cake for you."


2. Kill two birds with one stone

This idiom suggests accomplishing two things at the same time with a single action. The equivalent translation in Chinese is "一举两得". For instance, "By studying for the exam, I can improve my English skills and pass the test. It's like killing two birds with one stone."


3. Hit the n#l on the head

This expression means to say or do something that is exactly right or accurate. In Chinese, it can be translated as "说到点子上" or "一针见血". For example, "The teacher hit the n#l on the head when she expl#ned the difficult concept."

4. Piece of mind

This idiom refers to a feeling of calmness or relief from worries. It can be translated as "安心" or "放心" in Chinese. For instance, "After submitting the assignment, I finally had a piece of mind."

5. Bite off more than you can chew

This expression means to take on more responsibility or work than one can handle. The equivalent translation in Chinese is "贪多嚼不烂". For example, "I shouldn't have volunteered for so many projects. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew."

6. A blessing in disguise

This idiom refers to something that initially appears to be negative or unfortunate but turns out to be beneficial. In Chinese, it can be translated as "因祸得福". For instance, "Losing my job turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it pushed me to start my own business."

7. Keep your chin up

This expression means to stay positive and optimistic in difficult situations. It can be translated as "保持乐观" or "挺起胸膛" in Chinese. For example, "Even though you f#led the exam, keep your chin up and keep trying."

These are just a few examples of commonly tested idiomatic expressions in the Sichuan Provincial Vocational College Entrance Examination for English. It is crucial to study and understand idioms as they add depth and richness to the language. Remember to practice using these expressions in context to further enhance your English skills.

相关热词搜索:标签 标题 贪多嚼不烂
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