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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-05-27 02:37 热度:10


As the education system in China continues to evolve, more and more students are choosing to pursue higher education. In Sichuan province, vocational college students have the opportunity to further their studies by taking the college entrance exam, also known as the "gaokao". The English section of the gaokao is a crucial component, and thus the 2024 Sichuan vocational college to university English syllabus has been revised to better prepare students for success.


Overview of Changes

The 2024 English syllabus for Sichuan vocational college to university entrance exam has undergone several changes. Firstly, the listening section has been extended from 25 minutes to 30 minutes, providing students with more time to comprehend the audio passages. Secondly, the reading section now includes more academic texts related to fields such as science and technology, economics and politics. Thirdly, the writing section now requires students to write an argumentative essay on a given topic, testing their ability to make a persuasive case. Finally, the speaking section now includes a group discussion component, where students must engage in a topical conversation with their peers.



The revised syllabus #ms to equip students with the necessary language skills to succeed at the vocational college to university entrance exam. By improving their listening, reading, writing and speaking abilities, students will be able to better understand and communicate complex ideas in English. Furthermore, the revised syllabus seeks to foster critical thinking and independent learning, encouraging students to engage with English language materials beyond the classroom.


Teaching Methodology

The teaching methodology for the revised syllabus emphasizes student-centered learning and communicative language teaching. Teachers will provide students with ample opportunities to practice their language skills in both controlled and natural settings. Additionally, teachers will utilize a variety of teaching materials, including authentic audio and video recordings, academic texts, and online resources. Peer feedback and group work will also be incorporated into the learning process, allowing students to learn from each other and develop their collaborative skills.

Evaluation and Assessment

The revised syllabus includes a range of assessment methods to evaluate student progress. In addition to traditional exams, such as mid-term and final exams, teachers will use informal assessments, such as in-class activities and homework assignments, to monitor student progress throughout the semester. Additionally, formative assessments, such as peer evaluations and self-reflection, will be used to help students identify areas for improvement and set goals for their language learning.


The 2024 English syllabus for Sichuan vocational college to university entrance exam #ms to provide students with the language skills necessary to succeed at the next level of their education. By improving their listening, reading, writing and speaking abilities, students will have more opportunities to communicate with others in English and engage with academic materials related to their chosen field of study. The revised syllabus emphasizes student-centered learning, fostering critical thinking, independent learning and collaborative skills that will serve students well beyond the classroom.

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