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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-03-09 20:11 热度:0


In 2024, the National Key Vocational School in Chengdu has made significant advancements in English education. With the #m of cultivating well-rounded students, the school has implemented various strategies and programs to enhance English proficiency among its students. This article will highlight some of the key initiatives taken by the school to promote English learning.


English Curriculum Enhancement

To ensure a comprehensive English education, the National Key Vocational School has revised its English curriculum. The school now offers a wider range of English courses, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These courses are designed to develop students' language skills in a balanced manner. Additionally, the school has introduced interactive teaching methods and multimedia resources to make English learning more engaging and effective.


English Immersion Programs

Recognizing the importance of immersion in language learning, the school has launched English immersion programs. These programs provide students with opportunities to practice English in real-life situations. For instance, the school organizes study trips to English-speaking countries, where students can interact with native speakers and experience the culture firsthand. Moreover, the school encourages students to participate in English-speaking competitions and events to further improve their language skills.


English Corner

The establishment of an English Corner has proven to be a successful initiative in promoting English communication among students. The English Corner serves as a designated area where students can gather and engage in English conversations. It is equipped with resources such as English books, magazines, and audio materials to facilitate language practice. Regular activities, such as debates, discussions, and presentations, are organized to encourage students to actively participate and improve their speaking skills.

English Language Exchange Programs

To broaden students' horizons and expose them to different cultures, the National Key Vocational School has collaborated with foreign schools to organize English language exchange programs. Through these programs, selected students have the opportunity to visit partner schools in English-speaking countries and immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment. These exchanges not only enhance students' language abilities but also foster intercultural understanding and global awareness.

English Proficiency Assessments

The school recognizes the importance of assessing students' English proficiency accurately. Therefore, the National Key Vocational School regularly conducts English proficiency assessments using internationally recognized standards. These assessments help identify students' strengths and weaknesses in English and provide valuable feedback for further improvement. Additionally, the school offers targeted support and remedial classes for students who require extra assistance in their English studies.


In conclusion, the National Key Vocational School in Chengdu has made significant efforts to promote English education among its students. By enhancing the English curriculum, implementing immersion programs, establishing English corners, organizing language exchange programs, and conducting proficiency assessments, the school #ms to equip students with strong English skills for their future endeavors. With these initiatives in place, the school is confident in producing well-rounded graduates who are proficient in English and ready to thrive in a globalized world.

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