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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-03-16 17:43 热度:0


As the 2024 academic year begins, it's important for students in Sichuan's vocational and technical colleges to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary they will encounter in their English classes. In this article, we'll provide a list of key English words and phrases that are commonly used in the context of higher education.


Academic Vocabulary

The following words are frequently used in academic settings:


1. Curriculum - the set of courses offered by an educational institution

2. Syllabus - a document outlining the topics, readings, and assignments for a course

3. Lecture - a formal presentation given by a teacher or professor 2024年四川高职高专英语单词_四川高职高考英语历年真题

4. Seminar - a small group discussion led by a teacher or professor

5. Assignment - a task given to students to complete outside of class

6. Assessment - an evaluation of a student's work or performance

7. Grade - a score given to a student on an assignment or exam

8. GPA - grade point average, a measure of a student's overall academic performance

9. Degree - a qualification awarded by a university or college upon completion of a program of study

10. Thesis - a long research paper written as part of a graduate program

Campus Life

In addition to academic vocabulary, there are also a number of words and phrases related to campus life:

1. Dormitory - a building where students live on campus

2. Resident assistant (RA) - a student responsible for overseeing a dormitory and assisting other students

3. Extracurricular activities - clubs, sports, and other activities outside of class

4. Student union - a building on campus where students can socialize and participate in activities

5. Library - a place where students can borrow books and other materials for research and studying

6. Cafeteria - a place on campus where students can purchase food and drinks

7. Financial #d - assistance provided to students to help pay for education expenses


By familiarizing yourself with these key English words and phrases, you'll be better equipped to succeed in your English classes and navigate campus life at Sichuan's vocational and technical colleges. Don't be afr#d to ask your teachers or classmates for help if you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary - learning new words is an important part of the educational experience!

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