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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-01-01 11:35 热度:19

East Dongguan Vocational School (EDVS) has once ag#n proven its excellence in the field of English language proficiency as students from the school clinched top spots in the recently concluded Dongguan Vocational School English Competition.

The competition, which #ms to promote English language skills among vocational school students in the city, was joined by various schools across the region. However, it was the students from EDVS who shone brightest as they outperformed their competitors and showed their outstanding capabilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing in the English language.

One of the top performers in the competition was Alex Zhang, a third-year student of EDVS’s Electronics and Communication Engineering program. He s#d that his achievement in the competition was the result of his hard work and the unwavering support of his teachers.


“I owe everything to my teachers who have been patient in guiding me throughout my journey in honing my English language skills. They gave me quality instruction and provided me with the resources I need to succeed,” Zhang s#d.

Aside from Zhang, several other students from EDVS also performed well in the competition, including Lily Chen from the Business Administration program and Sarah Liu from the Hospitality and Tourism Management program. Both students have consistently exhibited exemplary performance in their English classes, showing their ability to communicate effectively in the language.

The achievement of EDVS students in the Dongguan Vocational School English Competition is a testament to the school’s commitment to providing quality education to its students. It also serves as an inspiration for other students to strive harder and excel in their studies.


EDVS Principal, Mr. Li, expressed his pride and congratulated the students for their achievements. He emphasized the importance of learning English in today’s globalized world and encouraged the students to continue improving their language skills.

“Learning English is essential in today’s world because it opens doors to a vast array of opportunities. Our students’ success in this competition shows that they have what it takes to succeed and contribute to society,” Mr. Li s#d.

With the school’s unwavering commitment to providing quality education, it is no surprise that EDVS students continue to excel in various competitions and events. The Dongguan Vocational School English Competition serves as a reminder that with dedication and hard work, anyone can achieve great things, and EDVS students are living proof of that.

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