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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-03-24 04:11 热度:0


With the development of China's education system, vocational education has gradually become an important part of it. In Sichuan Province, the single-recruitment system for vocational colleges has been introduced to provide more opportunities for high school graduates who are interested in vocational education. This guide #ms to provide information on the single-recruitment system for Sichuan vocational colleges, specifically focusing on the English requirements and preparations.


What is the Single-Recruitment System?

The single-recruitment system is a unique admission process for vocational colleges in Sichuan Province. Instead of taking the National College Entrance Eamination, high school graduates can apply directly to vocational colleges through this system. The admission criteria m#nly include academic performance and other qualifications required by the colleges, such as language proficiency.


English Requirements

English proficiency is one of the essential qualifications for the single-recruitment system. Applicants are required to pass the English test designed by the Sichuan Provincial Education Department. The test measures students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities. The minimum score to pass the test is determined by each college. Generally, the score required for admission is around 60 out of 100.


Preparations for the English Test

For applicants who are not confident in their English skills, it is recommended to prepare for the test in advance. Here are some tips:

  • Start early: Do not w#t until the last minute to prepare. Begin practicing your English skills as soon as possible.
  • Take practice tests: Try to find sample tests online or in test preparation books and practice them. This will help you get familiar with the test format and identify your weaknesses.
  • Improve your vocabulary: Epand your vocabulary by reading English books or articles, and practicing new words with flashcards or quizzes.
  • Practice speaking and listening: Find a language partner or tutor to practice your speaking and listening skills. Watch English movies or TV shows, and listen to English podcasts or music.


The single-recruitment system provides a new opportunity for high school graduates who are interested in vocational education. English proficiency is one of the essential qualifications for admission. Applicants should prepare for the English test in advance to increase their chances of being accepted. With proper preparation, students can successfully enroll in their desired vocational colleges and pursue their career dreams.

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