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作者:四川职业学校 来源:招生指南网 更新时间:2024-03-07 16:04 热度:0


As the 2024 academic year progresses, many high school graduates in Sichuan Province are preparing to take the vocational college entrance exam. Among the major subjects tested is English. The question on many students' minds is: what is the maximum score for the English section of the exam?


The Answer

The highest possible score for the English section of the Sichuan vocational college entrance exam is 150 points. This section consists of two parts: listening and reading comprehension. The listening comprehension part is worth 50 points, while the reading comprehension part is worth 100 points. To obt#n full marks, a candidate must answer all questions correctly and precisely.


How to Achieve a Perfect Score

While achieving a perfect score on the English section of the vocational college entrance exam is no easy feat, it is cert#nly not impossible. To achieve this goal, students need to put in a lot of effort and practice regularly. Here are a few tips to help:


Tip 1: Master Vocabulary

English vocabulary is an essential aspect of the exam, and mastering it can make a significant difference in your score. Students should try to learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences. This will help them understand the reading passages better and respond more accurately to the exam questions.

Tip 2: Improve Listening Skills

The listening comprehension section of the exam can be challenging, especially for students who are not used to hearing English spoken at a native speed. Therefore, it is crucial to listen to English audio materials regularly. Students can watch English movies or TV shows with subtitles, listen to English radio programs, or practice with sample listening tests.

Tip 3: Enhance Reading Comprehension

The reading comprehension section of the exam requires students to read and understand passages quickly and accurately. To improve reading comprehension, students should practice reading English articles, news, and stories every day. They should also learn how to skim and scan passages to identify the m#n idea and key det#ls.


A perfect score on the English section of the Sichuan vocational college entrance exam is achievable with the right preparation and practice. By mastering vocabulary, improving listening skills, and enhancing reading comprehension, students can increase their chances of obt#ning a high score. Good luck to all the candidates!

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